Monday, September 29, 2008


Does anyone else ever get obsessed with something? Am I the only person in the world who gets a mind to do something and then its the only focus?

As you all know from my blog, I read all the Twilight books relatively fast. I was completely obsessed with finishing them. (Dan is reading them now...hee hee) That was all I could think about. At work it was hurry and figure out what we are doing so I could read on my plan time. I was beginning to think that I needed to check myself in somewhere. :) I listened to several interviews with Stephenie Meyer and was just in awe. (I still am!) I'm reading The Host now. I like it but I'm taking my time.

This leads me to my next obsession. I have always wanted to be a writer. I have had this dream since I was about 12 years old. I wrote a play for the YW in my ward when I was in high school. I wrote a short story that I should have had published but never did. I wrote half a novel by the end of my senior year but things happened and I was discouraged. I gave up my dream to be a writer. While on my mission, my companion and I wrote a song for my brothers wedding. Another companion of mine was playing around on the keyboard and created a song that 2 months later I wrote words for it. When I got back home, I called Diana the one who helped me write the song and asked what she thought about getting it published. She liked the idea and told me to put my name on it since she claims she only came up with 2 words. So I published it as a Poem in the World Literary Poet Society's Anthology. It felt so awesome to have something that I wrote out there for someone else to enjoy. So...

That brings me to my next obsession. I have Stephenie Meyer to thank for this one. I saw an interview with her and she said that if you have a dream to write do it. You will never know unless you try. So I'm trying! I have written 5 chapters so far. I may post the first chapter on my blog soon to get some thoughts. I have a couple of friends from work who are reading it as I go. Everyone so far has been really supportive and excited. I hope that continues! ;)

So if anyone knows how to get books published....please let me know! That's the part that scares me to death!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Whew! I finally finished!

Well...I finally finished the last of the Twilight series. They were awesome! Oh my... I wish there were more. I hope the movie doesn't disappoint us all! But I have a feeling that it won't let us down!

Yeah for Bella and Edward...and of course little Nessie!

I wish she would write a book about what happens to all of them when Nessie gets older. Oh well...I will wait... So it's on to another obsession! ;)

Friday, September 19, 2008

I'm so obsessed!!!! Part 2

Ok... So I finished Twilight ran and bought New Moon. I finished New Moon yesterday and ran to Walmart yet again to buy Eclipse! I can't put these down! It's made me quite popular at school! All the girls who have read them now think I am the coolest teacher ever! (I guess they didn't ask thier English teacher if she read them!)

I so love Edward! I don't know why I don't like Jacob but I don't. :) I wish she would just tell Edward yes, get hitched, and be with the love of her life forever. that too much to ask? Is it really?

So I forsee me finishing this one this weekend and having Breaking Dawn started on Monday! Wish me luck! My poor house! I need to vaccum but I can't vaccum and read at the same time! Aghhhhhh!

I think I need a Twilight support group!

Monday, September 15, 2008

I'm officially obsessed!

Well...I am officially hooked! Thanks girls! :)
I did not clean my house and read until I finished Twilight. I got to the last half of the book and refused to put it down until I was done. I just had to know what happened. I couldn't wait for this I could go buy the 2nd one!

So I got up got dressed in a hurry and went to Wal-mart this morning before coming to work. Geez! Poor Dan will never get fed a cooked meal until I'm finished reading them all!

I even went so far as to go to the website and watch interviews with Stephanie Meyer and listened to her play list for each book. OK... Can I just say that she and I really do like the same kind of music! I feel very inspired to write the book I've been wanting to write for a while now. We'll see what happens this summer! has anyone read her new book Host? I'm going to read it but I want to get through the Twilight series first. I also saw that she has a new Twilight series book coming but it's been delayed due to someone being a jerk and publishing parts of it online.

Ahhhh! I've caught the craze! Go Edward!!! (She better stay with him or I'm going to be mad!)

Friday, September 12, 2008

Woooohooooo!!!! It's FRIDAY!!!!!!!!

Woooohooooo!!!!!!!!!! It's finally Friday! We just had another exallerating pep assembly with Coach Diener. It seriously makes you want to kick someone's butt. You don't even care who it is! You are all fired up!

Well...I've been teasing the football players all day that they are going to be playing the first ever "water polo" game in GEHS history. So kuddos to all the moms who have to wash those uniforms tomorrow. Kuddos to all the fans that are going to sit in the rain and watch this magnificant game of "water polo".

As for me... I will be home watching metro sports and being high and dry! Our school is going to be the first game highlights they show this week. :) GO BLAZERS!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Woeful Wednesday

It should be joyous Wednesday...after all I did get paid today! Well at midnight last night anyway. would have been joyful Wednesday BUT.....

1. I had to fight with Magnum for the cover all night. (He still thinks he's a little puppy!)
2. I couldn't figure out what to wear.
3. Having a horrible hair day!
4. Check to see that my paycheck came in. (Yippeee!)
5. Go to Sonic because I wanted a giant Rte 44 Diet Coke....and my debit card doesn't work! (Bank shuts it off when I run low in the bank account and forgets to turn it back on!)
6. Go to Price Chopper for breakfast because I can write a check.
7. Get biscuits and gravy...make it to check out lane....girl puts it in the bag and lose half of it by the time I get to work!

Having a wonderful start to an already depressing Wednesday...(funeral is today)

Hope you all are having a better day!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Ode to Cold Weather

Cold weather is my friend on some occasions. Like when I'm snuggled up in my warm cozy bed sleeping soundly. When I can dig out sweaters and add more clothes to my wardrobe. When I can feel the cold breeze blow in my face...wakes you up in a hurry!

Cold weather is good for snow days! ;) I love snow days! (Wishing I could have one this week!) I don't go any where on snow days...just sit at home snuggled in a blanket watching TV! Ahhh...the life!

I do have issues with the cold weather on other occasions. Like when ever joint in my body decides to ache. When my legs and knees do not want to work in the mornings. Or wrestling with the coat and trying to drive.

So cold weather has its good things and its bad. But I am just glad that it is finally here! :)

Friday, September 5, 2008

Lost A Dear Friend

I'm writing again because for some reason blogging has become very theraputic for me.

My dear friend Don Bechard passed away this morning. He has been battling cancer for a while. He lost that fight this morning. He had his wife and some of the family there with him when he left this earth. However, his daughter was at school and had to be told at school.

We are all sadden by this but I know that he has gone to Heaven and that he doesn't hurt anymore. I can't stop smiling when I think of Coach. He touched so many lives by his strength and courage. That man never frowned. He was in so much pain but never let on. I admire him greatly and so happy to have known him. He truly was an inspiration to me.

Now comes the healing part for his family. He was very close to them. Don was a very religious man and believed that God would take care of him and his family. He was a member of the Catholic church here in town. I know that there is a special place for him and that his family will see him again. I am so grateful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ in my life. I can't imagine not having it in my life.

Here's to Don....Until we meet again!

Go Blazer Blue!!!!

Here's my cheer and shout out to all the Blazers today! Fall Sport season is officially here! Wooohooo! Go Blazers!

I'm getting fired up for the pep rally at the end of school today! ;)
I got to wear jeans again to work so I'm a pretty happy camper! :) (Plus it's remote control night!)

Well...actually...I have things to get done tonight. But it is all good! :)

Happy Friday y'all!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Aw...the signs that fall is approaching

Since I stayed home on Tuesday...I undoubtly had to return yesterday. It was a great day for watching Finding Nemo in Spanish. It was raining and the kids were just dragging. :) (Much like their teacher.) rained and therefore turned cooler. And oh what a joyous day it was. I saw only a couple of pairs of short shorts roaming around. I saw lots of hoodies instead of the normal "falling out" of shirts! Hallelujah!

Another sign of fall is Dan's first football game of the season. Yes, he was gone refereeing yesterday. Then he had a football rules meeting so he didn't get home til 9pm. Magnum and I had a great time! We got to visit with my visiting teacher and then we had dinner. I did some stuff and watched tv. Yep, you guessed it...whatever I wanted! I've learned to appreciate fall!

Another game this afternoon, but Dan will be home in time for dinner. :) Guess I get to watch what he wants to or go upstairs and watch what I want to... ;)
But tomorrow night, the remote is all mine! :)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Home with a Sty in my Eye

So I just have to say how much I hate using "sick" days for being sick. I woke up Sunday morning with a sty forming on my right eye. I have had them before...painful but usually really small and gone in a day or two. Ok...not so much this time. By Sunday evening, I had a knot forming. It finally starting coming to the service but it is much larger than I have ever had. I spent yesterday with a swollen eye and wanting to scratch my eyeball out. Ughhhh!

I woke up this morning and it was still there and painful. I just called the sub line and figured it was better to be home than at work in pain. I keep putting a hot rag on my face. That if anyone knows how to get rid of these awful stys please share! I'll take any suggestions at this point!